- [品牌] 背包客
- [企业] 广州步行者
- [地址] 广东省-广州市 广州市体育东路六运三街45-7
- [电话] 020-87516025
- [传真] 020-87516025
BACKPACKERSGEAR is a worldwide manufacturer of high quality outdoor, backpacking and travel garment and accessories. We Develop and manufacture products for skiing, camping, hiking, climbing, backpacking, travelling and many more outdoor activities. So if your looking for clothings, gaiter, liners, storage sacks, compression sacks, hats or tons of other gear this is the place to start.
Gear for backpacking
Whether you're traveling the world with a pack on your back or even just taking a weekend camping trip with the family, your gear needs to be tough, lightweight and well-made. That's exactly what the BACKPACKERSGEAR line of outdoor and travel products are designed to be. And why BACKPACKERSGEAR is china’s number one source for quality outdoor and travel accessories for last 7 years. Whether your adventures take you to the anywhere in the earth, BACKPACKERSGEAR products will more than earn their space in your bag —enjoy your backpacking.
Since 2000 BACKPACKERSGEAR has been providing clothing solutions for outdoor & travel enthusiasts. BACKPACKERSGEAR is dedicated to those who plan their next adventure on the way home from their last. At BACKPACKERSGEAR, high performance apparel is an obsession. Our designs just fits close to your body , all our products are Consummate for active outdoor activities., we're constantly striving for the perfect piece of clothing to accompany you on your next adventure. Whether it's a trip to the coffee shop in our casual wicking-wear or an adventure around the globe in our performance underwear we've got you covered.
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